with TrueSoul® Readings

Navigate life's challenges confidently and embrace a clearer vision of your journey ahead with regular guidance from TrueSoul® Readings
Get Started Now

Are you ready to seize new opportunities with divine insight, making every moment count?

Another quarter gone, and you are questioning if you are still on track for your bigger-picture goals?

Are intermittent phases of low energy diverting you off course, impacting your well-being and productivity?

Do you yearn for consistent progress in your business without losing valuable time regaining balance?

Take a moment and just imagine the comfort and joy of feeling enormous angel wings wrapped around you. 

In the often challenging and ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship, this invisible force can become a constant presence, guiding and supporting you.

Embracing the presence of your guardian angel and divine messaging ensures you will never feel alone or without answers again.

Welcome to 
TrueSoul® Readings

Your Sanctuary for Spiritual
Empowerment and Rejuvenation 


Enjoy a transformative journey in each one-hour TrueSoul® Reading over Zoom, where we will shred light on your deepest life and business inquiries, enjoy divine revelations and intuitive wisdom delivered through the cards.

Each reading offers you access to powerful and magical guidance in personal and professional matters. 

 Join me over a 12 month period and look forward with excitement to your four TrueSoul® Readings - a lovely way to reset your energy and embrace powerful transformative divine guidance in each business quarter, ensuring you stay on track to creating your version of extraordinary life success.

Invaluable, insightful and offering clarity and often powerful instant transformative shifts - all in one hour!

Card readings offer a fun, enjoyable and often magical way of forging a connection to your soul self, important messages and all that is!

I read for my own enjoyment but can only read for a limited number of people in any 12 month period, so when the sessions are gone, they are gone.

The TrueSoul ™ Reading offers transformative oracle card readings, catering to both spiritual newcomers and seasoned seekers, ensuring clarity and direction in your journey.

Recognise and navigate the global challenges faced by entrepreneurs, with the assurance that you're not journeying alone. Achieve unparalleled life success even when faced with uncertainties.

Address feelings of being overwhelmed, maintain your vision for long-term goals, and ensure steady business growth without compromising your well-being or focus.

Book in with me for your TrueSoul® Reading and start getting the answers you need to hear to help you move forward.

Book Your Readings

Hi, I am Louise Budgen 

I'm a Spiritual Business Coach, and as a twice cancer thriver I know first-hand the superpowers the cards hold.

In my darkest moments, it was trusting the angelic messages I received from powerful readings that kept me believing that this was not in fact the end, but the beginning of something much bigger and brighter for me.

The cards never disappoint, and a reading with me offers excellent positive guidance. 

I love everything about angel and oracle cards, I have many different decks, with some firm favourites!

The accurate guidance I have received is the reason why after many years of card readings, I decided to get two Certifications in card reading in 2020. I am currently enjoying a further Angel Card certification, too.

If you have never had a reading, please know there is nothing to fear but everything to be excited about.

Divine messages will be delivered always for your highest good and my experience as a Spiritual Business Coach ensures the meaning of the messages can be fully explored, leaving you feeling reassured, connected and confident about what is about to unfold for you.

Hi, I am Louise, a Spiritual Mentor and Transformational Coach, as a twice cancer thriver I know first hand the superpowers the cards hold.

In my darkest moments it was trusting the angelic messages I received from powerful readings that kept me believing that this was not in fact the end, but the beginning of something much bigger and brighter for me.

The cards never disappoint they always offer excellent guidance. 

I love everything about tarot, angel and oracle cards, I have many different decks, with some firm favourites!

The powerful guidance I have received is the reason why after many years of reading cards for myself, I decided to get two Certifications in  card reading in 2020. I am currently enjoying a further Angel Card certification too.

If you have never had a reading, please know there is nothing to fear but everything to be excited about.

Divine messages will be delivered for your highest good and my experience as a Spiritual Mentor and Transformational Coach ensures the meaning of the messages can be fully explored, leaving you feeling reassured,  connected and confident about what is about to unfold.

 TrueSoul® Readings


This is tailored for those of you eager to receive divinely delivered messages at pivotal moments during a year of your life and business.


I only read for a limited number of people in any one year,

2025 is NOW OPEN to take on 10 new members. 

12 Month Membership

4 x 60-Minute Card Readings


All TrueSoul™ Readings are delivered over Zoom and you will receive a snapshot of your cards via WhatsApp for future reflection.

Yes! Join The Membership Now

Achieve Inner Peace and Clarity

Feel lighter as burdens lift, see a clearer path ahead, and embrace a deep sense of calmness with guidance at every step.

Boost Confidence and Energy

Rediscover excitement with a surge of optimistic energy and move forward with confidence, knowing your next steps.

Strengthen Connection and Flow

Delve into a state of peace, feeling more connected to your surroundings and enjoying a harmonious flow in life.


"Louise has a magical way of wording things and gave me plenty of time to ask questions. Her knowledge of the cards and her intuition was so brilliant I felt as if I was hanging on her every word! I now have a clear vision, a sharp focus and clarity of where I need to go, all thanks to Louise."
Christine Clark, Emotional Support Coach

"I had a really beautiful angel card reading with Louise. She really puts you at ease with her open, warm, welcoming heart-led style. I felt every card resonated with exactly where I am right now and the direction I am heading."
Tracy Hardy, Leadership Coach

"Thank you so much again for this fantastic opportunity to have such an enlightening Angel card reading. Recommended for everyone who wants to gain more insight into their inner self and take comfort in the guidance you channel and translate."
Sarah Naylor, Career Transformation Coach

"Louise is an angel with special intuitive powers. Her energy is contagious & her vibration is infectious. She guides you through with ease & her intuitive abilities are incredible. Her reading was exactly what I needed at the time to reassure me I was on the right path & I needed to trust the timing."
Charlotte Jonsie, Mindset & Business Coach

"Louise was able to interpret the cards with such love and humility I left knowing that I needed to make a few changes. A couple of weeks on, I feel the fog has lifted and I have started to push aside the things that were strangling me, and also realising where my area of genius is."
Kate Blake, Coach

"Thank you so much Louise for such an incredibly helpful and insightful reading. The combination of your skills as both a life coach and card reader surpassed the card readings that I have previously had. Thank you again for your guidance. I really appreciate all your help."
Sarah Meers, Entrepreneur

"In just two readings, she has put me squarely on the path of my authentic self, and very much connected me with my potency again. Louise is a woman filled with catalytic energy. She is an inspiration. A straight talker. A great listener. And, thoroughly devoted to seeing people embodying their best lives."
Amelia Petrie, Somerset

"Honestly brilliant, thank you so much. Feel a real sense of calm and happiness Louise I just want to say how much I valued your reading and I have taken your words to sit back and relax and let everything be, because the right time for things will come!"
Bridie Forster, Personal Trainer

"Wow not what I expected, it was so on point and I felt hugely connected to Louise’s words. The reading left me feeling much lighter and cleared my energy on a couple of things that were clouding me. Thank you so much."
Sandie Balls, Self Discovery Coach

"I just love my Angel Card and Coaching Sessions with Louise. Yesterday’s session just clarified so much for me together with Louise, it gave me so much insight AND inspiration, not only personally but business wise as well!! "
Kim Holterman, Coach

"Thanks for all your wise and kind words. Always feel a sense of calm and peace after I’ve had a reading with you. Thank you."
Claudia Ferreira, Project Manager

"Thank you!!!! It was utterly amazing "
Bex King, Charity Founder & Artist


Why not book a single read in with me and get the answers you need to hear now?

Then decide if A TrueSoul® Readings Membership is right for you going forwards.

Book A Single Reading

Perfect for you if...




Haven’t added the transformative magical power of regular card readings into your business success toolkit yet.

You regularly feel frustrated about your lack of clarity and are often in dire need of direction in life or business.

You're ready to embark on a more spiritual way of looking at and interacting with life. 

The TAO translates as the way, the
path, path is understood on 3 levels;

01 The way of ultimate reality

02 The way of the universe

03 The way of human life

Yes! Join The Membership

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